Value Added Tax

From 1 April 2018
Standard rate 20%
VAT fraction 1/6
Reduced rate 5%
Current Turnover Limits
Registration - last 12 months or next 30 days over £85,000
Deregistration - next 12 months under £83,000
Cash accounting scheme - up to £1,350,000
Optional flat rate scheme - up to £150,000
Annual accounting scheme - up to £1,350,000

VAT on fuel for private use in cars

Where businesses wish to reclaim the input VAT on fuel which has some degree of private use, they must account for output VAT for which they may use the flat rate valuation.

The table shows the VAT chargeable for quarters commencing on or after 1 May 2017. Please contact us for any updated rates.

CO2 emissions
Quarterly VAT
Flat Rate Valuation £ VAT on Charge £
120 or less 140 23.33
125 211 35.17
130 224 37.33
135 238 39.67
140 252 42.00
145 267 44.50
150 281 46.83
155 295 49.17
160 309 51.50
165 323 53.83
170 337 56.17
175 351 58.50
180 365 60.83
185 379 63.17
190 393 65.50
195 408 68.00
200 422 70.33
205 436 72.67
210 449 74.83
215 463 77.17
220 478 79.67
225 or more 492 82.00